Nothing Happened today...Oh Well.
I started delivering the prints today... fortunatly it's been a love fest. But then again I just dropped things of at places I knew. I do need to reshoot one exterior so I'll do that Monday night... or so that's the plan... No extra money but happy customers.
That's about all I have to say tonight...Ed
Mr. Fong's
Friday, May 03, 2002
Thursday, May 02, 2002
No stalker dairy entry today...that's the first step.
Not really much of anything. I'm just trying to get all the photos and invoices out so I can get paid for all that shooting or more so so I can stop thinking people are going to pay me and I can get on with being poor.
Oh well Maybe something will happen tomorrow...Ed
Wednesday, May 01, 2002
Well I guess letting other people know that the request to sell the posters to the mall stores was turned down worked. I had a voice mail asking me to get more info on dealing with this woman. Yeah for me...I mean it's not like I get any money for it... but it'll be like next time I come up with a great image people will realize what we can do with it. Also I can go into the store with some one and say see that's my poster. I've always wanted to do a Breakfast at Tiffany's Public Library scene.
I don't want to turn this into some stalker diary, I mean I so easily could but I won't. So let me just say I didn't use my chance to Hello to the mystery girl this morning. We both walked in at the same time, yes I did speed up walking across the parking lot when I saw it was her. I opened both doors down the garage corridor. I did get a thanks but no small talk. So that's it with Mystery Girl unless I actually find out her name... No make it if I'm told her name. Just say No to Stalking!...Ed