Thursday, April 04, 2002

Why do I let crazy people bother me? I ran into this designer today and she goes when do you know when we're going to shoot my room? and I say Well when I talked to you on Monday we set it up for Tuesday (day before yesterday) Oh? I don't remember... well it sounded like you were writing it down. Well we'll have to reshoot. She's having Judy shoot right now and then want's me to shoot also? Why? does she feel some obligation? if she wants Judy to shoot fine, I'll just sell the shots to the builder and say I've gotten 2 shots done.

ARRRGHHHHH! I know this woman's crazy but each time I deal with her I say oh she's gotten her act together now, but No she's just as flakey as the last time. Why do I let this happen I could easily say Oh I've already filled all my slots for that, you'll have to get some one else. Instead I say sure I can do that no problem and I'll still be available when you stand me up and have to reschedual again.

Just say NO!...Ed


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